CONFINED: the captive & keeper in contemporary life
Juergen Chill, Edmund Clark, John Darwell, Dornith Doherty, Ben Graville, David Maisel & David Moore
The Bluecoat, Liverpool
May 14 - July 10, 2011
Confined responded to the theme of Look 11 (Liverpool’s international photography festival) of ‘photography as a call to action.’ Featuring the work of seven artists - - Juergen Chill, Edmund Clark, John Darwell, Dornith Doherty, Ben Graville, David Maisel & David Moore - - the works in the exhibition explored different interpretations of physical and psychological confinement in contemporary life. Juxtapositions within the show led audiences to consider the complex relationship between justice, ethics, a duty of care and compassion; a fundamental relationship that affects “captives” and “keepers.”
Read the exhibition publication here.
Installation images by SJP